| Gary D. Halbert President & CEO |
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Investors Flunk the Test!
On December 2, the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD)
released the results of a survey of over 1,000 known investors that was
conducted earlier this year. The survey asked some fairly basic,
multiple-chooice investment questions, in the hopes of gleaning how
knowledgeable most investors are, or are not. The results were quite
surprising and suggest the latter. This week, we’ll look at several of the
basic questions the NASD asked and the overall responses. You may be
surprised at the results.
Misinformed Investors
The NASD surveyed 1,086 people who were known to have made at least one
investment recently. The survey was sent to investors whose portfolios
ranged from as little as $10,000 up to a maximum of $500,000.
Surprisingly (in light of the answers below), over two-thirds of the survey
respondents (69%) described themselves as being at least “somewhat
knowledgeable” about investing. Only 12% admitted to being “not at
all knowledgeable.” With that in mind, let’s look at some of the responses.
First, there was considerable misunderstanding as to the basic types of
investments. For example, 60% of respondents said they own stocks, yet 21%
of survey respondents did not understand the concept of a stock. While most
understood that owning a stock means that you own a piece of the company,
here was the real shocker: Almost half of the respondents believed that
stocks are insured against losses!
To be fair, the question was somewhat “loaded” in that the survey listed
several organizations (SIPC, FDIC, etc.) and asked, “Which of the following
organizations insures you against your losses in the stock market?” Again,
nearly 50% of the survey respondents thought that their stock market losses
were insured! The correct answer was NONE of the above.
Likewise, 70% of the survey respondents did not understand that when one
buys stock on “margin,” he or she can lose ALL of the investment, even if
the value of the shares does not go to zero. When investors buy stocks on
margin, using loans from their brokerage firm and putting up the securities
they buy as collateral, they can potentially lose all the money they paid
for the stocks, but also the amount they borrowed. Purchases of securities
on margin jumped 25% in the first seven months of this year according to the
Regarding mutual funds, the results weren’t any better. While 60% of
respondents said they own mutual funds, 80% did not know the definition
of a “no load” mutual fund. The survey also
suggested that many investors do not know the difference between loads
(sales charges) and normal operating expenses of mutual funds.
So, how about bonds? 29% of respondents did not understand the concept of a
bond. 60% did not understand that if interest rates rise, most bonds lose
money. Only about half of the respondents knew the definition of a “junk
bond.” Almost 70% of the survey respondents did not understand why
municipal bonds offer lower pre-tax yields.
Unreasonable Expectations For Returns
The NASD survey asked several questions about what level of long-term
returns (performance) was expected. One such question asked, “What is a
reasonable average annual return that can be expected from a broadly
diversified U.S. stock mutual fund over the long run?” 21% answered
that they expected returns of 15-25% annually. Only 40% chose the more
reasonable answer of 10%.
Only 51% of the survey respondents knew that stocks have yielded higher
average returns than most other investments over long periods of time.
Second, a surprisingly large percentage of survey respondents (28%) did not
understand that, in general, certain investments which have higher risks
have the potential to provide higher returns over time than investments with
less risk.
Overall, only 35% of respondents scored a passing grade on the NASD
survey. 97% admitted they needed to be better educated about investing.
Finally, the NASD did provide a breakdown on which groups fared best in its
survey. The notable findings are: older respondents (50+) did better than
younger (21-29) respondents; men did better than women; higher income
($100,000 and greater) did better than lower income (less than $50,000); and
primary decision-makers did better than shared decision-makers.
Chasing The “Hot” Funds
Various studies have
shown for years that the “average mutual fund investor” does not make what
the actual mutual funds make. Let me explain. If you bought and held a
mutual fund for five years (with no additions or withdrawals in the
account), then you would make exactly what the fund made over that period.
If it made 50% over that period, and you held it the whole time, then you
would have made 50%. But most investors don’t buy and hold a fund for five
years, or even 2-3 years.
Most investors are on what I call the
“Mutual Fund Merry Go-Round.” They buy and sell their mutual
funds (or stocks) frequently, often several times a year, and usually
because they get so much conflicting advice in the media and elsewhere, and
because they are continually chasing the latest “HOT” funds.
The problem with chasing the latest hot funds is that they can go cold - or
lose money - just as quickly as they got hot. Many investors buy hot funds
only to see them under-perform or lose money.
Sometimes funds are
the victims of their own success. Being one of the “hot” funds attracts a
lot of investor money. Some funds grow so large that the manager and/or the
system can’t continue to produce the big returns, and may even lose money.
There are several other reasons why hot funds can go cold in the future.
The Dalbar Studies
One of the most widely followed sources for this
kind of information is Dalbar, Inc. , a market research firm in
Boston. Periodically, Dalbar publishes a study which shows what the average
stock and bond mutual funds made (performance) versus what the average
investor in those same funds made. The results are surprising! To
illustrate, I will use a good period in the stock markets. The following
numbers from Dalbar represent diversified stock mutual funds, which tend to
track very closely on average with the S&P 500 Index, and bond/fixed income
funds, which tend to track closely with the long-term Government Bond Index.
Read these numbers closely.
In the period from 1984 to 2000, the S&P 500 Index gained 16.3% on
average per year; however, the average investor in stock mutual funds gained
only 5.3% on average during that same period. Surprised??
the same period, 1984-2000, the long-term Government Bond Index gained 11.8%
on average per year; however, the average investor in bond mutual funds
gained only 6.1% on average.
The problem is, most investors jumped around from fund to fund during that
period, often buying high and selling low. Yes, the investors who bought the
average stock funds and/or bond funds, and held them for that entire period,
made roughly what the market indexes made: 16.3% on average for stock funds
and 11.8% on average for bond funds. But most investors didn’t. Due to bad
timing, they didn’t make nearly as much as the average funds. And this was
during the greatest bull market in history for stocks!
Lousy Timing In the case of stock mutual funds, the
average investor made less than a third of what the funds made on
average. In the case of bond funds, the average investor made only about
half what the funds made. I don't know about you, but I was shocked when
I first began to look at Dalbar’s (and others’) numbers on this in the early
1990s! I had no idea that investors, as a group, were jumping from fund to
fund to fund so frequently, and with such disastrous results.
this sound like you? If it does, don't be embarrassed. Here’s why.
The fact is, most investors do not have good timing when it comes to picking
stocks and mutual funds. We have a tendency to buy things when
they are hot, not when they are out of favor. In most cases, it should be
the other way around.
As noted above, I have thousands of investment clients all across America.
Most are “accredited investors,” meaning that they have net worth of at
least $1,000,000 (not counting their home, autos, etc.). In all these years,
I don't remember a single client telling me that they made most of their
wealth from their investments. No, in most cases, they became wealthy as
a result of their primary business or occupation.
If you have a
successful business, you know that it took a lot of hard work, a lot of
experience and a lot of good decisions. Investing successfully is no
different! I have never understood how prosperous businessmen and women
think they can be successful investors right off the bat, without lots of
hard work and experience. The Dalbar numbers above certainly indicate that
most investors are not getting the results they hoped for!
Professionals To Your Advantage
As I have written before, I am
a firm believer that most people would be better off if they used
professional money managers to direct their investments. The Dalbar
numbers above, the latest NASD survey and similar studies certainly back me
When I say “professional money managers,” I am not referring to your
stockbroker. Specifically, I am talking about Registered Investment
Advisors and professional fund managers. There are successful Investment
Advisors, with proven performance records, that can direct your investments
in stocks, bonds, mutual funds and in other areas.
Many people think
you have to be “wealthy” in order to access successful money managers. Some
might tell you that, but the truth is, there are some very successful
Investment Advisors who will accept accounts as small as $25,000-$100,000.
You don't have to be a millionaire to have your portfolio managed by a
successful professional.
There are thousands of Registered Investment
Advisors in the US. Some specialize in selecting individual stocks; some
specialize in stock mutual funds; and some specialize in bonds and/or bond
mutual funds. They determine the stocks, bonds and/or mutual funds - out of
thousands - to be in, and when to be in them. You get to continue to focus
on your primary business or your retirement or whatever you wish, while your
professional money managers are intensely focused on the markets and making
you money.
How Do You Find Them?
If you have read my weekly E-Letters for long, you know that my company –
ProFutures Investments –specializes in tracking and monitoring a large
number of professional money managers. We continually look for successful
Investment Advisors to recommend to our clients. By the way, I invest my
own money with every manager we recommend.
You can try to find these top-rated professionals on your own, but it is
very expensive to do it right. We spend hundreds of thousands of dollars
searching for good money managers all across the country (and even in some
foreign countries).
Most (but not all) of the money managers we recommend use mutual funds as
their investment vehicle. We have managers who specialize in equity mutual
funds, and others who specialize in bond funds of various types.
I happen to favor managers who will occasionally get out of the market,
either partially or altogether, if their systems indicate a bearish trend.
Yet we also have managers and programs that are fully invested at all times.
Our list of recommended managers ranges from conservative to moderate to
aggressive in terms of their investment styles and objectives. We try to
match our clients with those managers who best fit their investment goals
and risk tolerance.
Think About It Over The Holidays
The overriding theme I have heard from prospective investors this year goes
like this: “I lost a bunch of money in the bear market, but I didn’t get
back in to catch the huge rise in stocks this year, and now I’m afraid to do
If you are in this position (or even if you’re not), I would strongly
recommend that you consider using professional money managers for at least a
part of your investment portfolio. Let them decide when to get back in the
markets, and which markets to be in.
This is the time of year when most of us review our investment portfolios.
If you are not making the returns you desire, call us at 800-348-3601,
and we can help you put the power of professional management in your portfolio.